Podnebne spremembe povzročajo globalno segrevanje, pomenijo velike stroške za gospodarstvo EU in negativno vplivajo na sposobnost držav za proizvodnjo hrane ter veliko tveganje za človeštvo v prihodnosti.

Strmimo k ciljem podnebne nevtralnosti.

Boj proti podnebnim spremembam je nujen za prihodnost Evrope in sveta. Z evropskimi podnebnimi pravili je bil uzakonjen cilj EU, da postane podnebno nevtralna do leta 2050. Cilj je skladen z zavezami, ki so jih EU in njene države članice sprejele ob podpisu Pariškega sporazuma leta 2015. Kaj pomeni podnebna nevtralnost in kako namerava EU doseči ta cilj?

Več na spletni strani:

(Vir: https://www.consilium.europa.eu/sl/policies/climate-change/ )

Climate change is causing global warming, imposing huge costs on the EU economy, negatively affecting countries’ ability to produce food and posing a major risk to humanity in the future.

Working towards climate neutrality.

The fight against climate change is vital for the future of Europe and the world. The European Climate Rules set the EU the target of becoming climate neutral by 2050. The target is in line with the commitments made by the EU and its Member States when signing the Paris Agreement in 2015. What does climate neutrality mean and how does the EU intend to achieve it?

More on the website: https://www.consilium.europa.eu/sl/policies/climate-change/
